developing people's abilities to resolve conflicts
 ...without resorting to violence

 Conferences Past Conferences 2005 Annual Gathering  Minutes

Memorial Day Weekend 2005

CONTENTS:  Meeting Minutes
                       Financial Report
                       Regional Reports
                             COMMITTEE REPORTS (See individual Committee listings on MEMBERS PAGE)


AVP Annual Meeting

May 29, 2005

Headlands Institute, Sausalito, CA

(See Trustees Meeting minutes for the Agenda)

Pat Parker-Roach welcomed everyone, gave the Agenda Review and introduced officers.

Pat Hardy gave a gift of thanks to Dick Nethercutt and Ann Ward.

Minga Claggett-Borne led the Whip: "I came to the Annual Meeting because . . ."

Attenders gave heart felt messages.

Ann Ward talked about our transparent committee structure and asked for attenders to join committees.

Committee Reports:

Communications Committee: Alan Taplow reporting: Everyone is encouraged to visit the AVP web site. Charles Oropallo has been the Transformer editor for a number of years. Doug Couch is now the editor. Friends for a Nonviolent World take all AVP-USA phone calls. The Advanced Manual is about ready for publication. A CD of 160 images to be used in the "Picture Sharing Exercise" is for sale for $10. There is a centralized data base. The transformer will now be distributed only on a paid basis. The intent is to raise the quality of the newsletter.

Restorative Justice: Donn Kesselheim reported on the work of the committee. In last 3 years they’ve had two keynote speakers. AVPers are now informed about Restorative Justice… Many feel that the RJ approach is central to AVP’s mission but isn’t included in our mission statement. If we expand and develop so as to include victim awareness in AVP, some may feel that this would conflict with the central mission of AVP…. The Committee is losing members. Should we lay down this committee? Next year’s conference is in Massachusetts where there is a lively interest and leadership in the USA on RJ. We will table the proposal to lay it down until next year. We want to assess in a wider forum whether there is interest in continuing the Committee’s work…. Is there a person willing to convene? Six people at this meeting expressed interest in RJ by attending the Committee’s meeting, and they will meet again tomorrow…. Possible tasks for 2005-2006 are:

Including victim awareness in AVP

Disseminating information about restorative justice among wardens and other DOC personnel.

Modifying the AVP Mission Statement so as to include restorative justice advocacy

Identifying those AVP exercises that have restorative justice content, in such a way as to benefit those facilitators that wish to emphasize elements of restorative justice in their workshops.

Technology: Toby Riley reporting: The committee has no responsibilities. It only supports those who do. This can be looking into systems for distribution, information gathering including researching complaints and alternative solutions.

L&L: Animal Families

Finance Committee: Ann Ward reporting. Joanne Perry put the report together. The books were audited for the first time. All chapters can now come under the 501(c)(3) umbrella of AVP-USA. There is a large sum in our account and we need to discern how to spend these funds.

Decision: Local new groups starting up can apply for start-up funds ($250.) the intent is to get the money out and working where it is needed. This is to be a pilot project.

Proposal (copy/see notes/decision from Trustees Meeting)

See attached report and balance sheet.

Education Committee: Fred Feucht reporting. Goal is to educate facilitators. Main job was to revise the advanced manual which will be used also internationally. Draft is nearly done. Any feedback needs to be given this month. Next, the committee will do special topic manuals, such as NVC, etc.

No matter how many manuals are done, it’s an experiential program. We need face-to-face training. We want to develop the program to get highly skilled facilitators to travel and educate facilitators around the country.

Suggestion to get money from AVP/USA to help this effort.

Conference Committee: Pat Hardy reporting. A manual will be delivered about setting up a conference to the next year’s Conference Committee. The conference involves many people’s effort. Reporting for this conference there were 105 attenders and 108 registered. 13 ex-prisoners and 15 attenders received scholarships. The 2006 conference will be in Boston area and 2007 will be in Florida. We are looking for a site for the annual meeting in 2008.

CLRG: Dottie Joos reporting on the highlights of the committee. There are 5 new regional reps. Kathy Osoch will be the rep for South Central. New project to rewrite the organizing kit of how to get into a prison. We need the facilitators address list to be updated. The regional reps will contact the locals to update a contact address list of facilitators. Regional reps will send it to Diana Couch, the Communication Committee. Each region decides its boundaries. The states need to work it out themselves.

Committee of Committees: There is a need to find a way to coordinate AVP-USA to AVP-International. This will need to be a committee of AVP-USA.

Decision: An AVP-USA International affairs committee will be established. The new committee will define its scope, mission, and role international relationship and report at least once to the C of C before the next annual conference.

People interested in participating in this new committee: Pat Hardy, Tom Farley, Sandy Farley, John Shuford, Toby Riley, John Michaelis, Anthea Michaelis, Nancy Shippen, Amy Haritatos, Lane Clark.

We need draft budgets from each committee by tomorrow.

New Officers: The following names were presented and approved:

President: Donn Kesselheim

Vice President: Pat Hardy

Secretary: Minga Claggett-Borne

Treasurer: Joann Perry

After accepting, Donn called for a few moments of silence and spoke of personal testimony and dedication to AVP. We ask the group for ideas on the future of AVP USA.


Learn from AVP in other countries, 10,000 active facilitators in the USA, publicity and visibility for USA, develop support program for reentry like the Landing Strip, community workshops as strong as our prisons, reach people in pain and need, viable youth committee, concerted effort to reach to ex-cons, get ex inside facilitators doing community work, reengage them, active interfaith groups supporting AVP, local groups contribute one volunteer to help national activities, pay for a fundraiser to raise millions, add manual to ex inmates for ex inmates helping each other, greater minority representation, regular profiles to understand each other as facilitators, add structural violence understanding to our community workshop, networking with other groups doing conflict resolution to add to our understanding, more sharing of experiences in AVP listserv, formalize collaborations with groups, revise a manual to work with ex prisoners, the AVP/USA to represent the colors of the nations, link with others to provide resources aftercare after release from prison, publicist to get articles in major news media, quick response network for political action, invest in website to help the webmaster.

Hank will write up these ideas for the Transformer.

Next Annual meeting will be in Boston over the Memorial Day Weekend. 2006.

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Janet Riley

AVP/USA co-Secretary




Board of Trustees Meeting

May 29, 2005

Headlands Institute, Sausalito, CA


Present: Dick Nethercutt, President, Diana Couch, Toby Riley, Pat Parker-Roach, Dotty Joos, Ann Ward, Vice-President, Joann Perry, Minga Claggett-Borne, Donn Kesselheim, Pat Hardy

Dick Nethercutt established that there was a quorum which met the legal needs.

The agenda was read.

Ann Ward led a whip: "The thing I am most proud of about AVP this year. . . "


Joann Perry presented the treasurers report which is on a nine month schedule.

Decision: The Transformer is loosing money and has a chronic deficient problem. Every six months the "Transformer" budget of the Communications Committee will be reviewed.

For the first time an audit was conducted.

A draft budget from each committee is due at the end of the annual conference. The final budget is due in 30 days after the annual conference.

Decision: The treasurer’s report was approved.

Ann Ward reviewed the AVP USA 501(c)(3) status. There are seven subordinates working under the AVP USA umbrella.

Annual Meeting:

Everyone is requested to encourage conference attendees to attend the meeting.

Restorative Justice Committee report will be presented to the Annual meeting.

The following agenda was approved for the Annual Meeting:

Welcome and Agenda Review

Whip: I’m, from _____. I came to this business meeting because ________.

Committee reports:


Restorative Justice






L&L:Nomination of Officers

Donn will say a few words to inspire people to join in the work of AVP. He wants to be known by all AVP participants and to make himself accessible to new ideas. We will have a brainstorm of what we want for the future of avp.



Decision: Pat Parker-Roach will look into establishing an AVP copyright. He will report back to the Trustees.


Funding for locals:

Decision: We have $10,000 to distribute among the locals who apply. Each local can receive up to $250. We especially want new and struggling local groups. There will be a review of this process at the end of the year. This will be within the finance committee and the CLERG.

Job Descriptions:

Donn K wants more accountability and suggested that there be monitoring of people who volunteer within AVPUSA.


Note, fiscal year end of 3.31.05 is less than a full year.  Fiscal year end of June 30, 2004 included 12 months
7/1/04 - 4/7/05 7/1/03 - 6/30/04 $ Change % Change
Current Assets          
Hibernia National Bank          
Hibernia: designated funds bal 22275 0 22275 100.00% Designated for former inmate scholarships, then to be returned to main account after conference, except for $15000. requiring clarification (Boston 2006)
Hibernia National Bank - Other 33792 38790 -4998 -12.90%  
Total Hibernia National Bank 56067 38790 17277 44.50%  
Total Checking/Savings 56067 38790 17277 44.50%  
Other Current Assets          
Advance - Transformer Costs 1200 1019 181 17.80% Chuck Oropallo's advance
Advance - Cost of Sales 1149 710 439 61.80% Alan Taplow's advance (as of 4/7/05)
PAX World Fund 31515 28748 2768 9.60% We haven't had a report from PAX World Fund since 12/31/04, they seem to appear every six months.
Total Other Current Assets 33864 30476 3388 11.10%  
Total Current Assets 89931 69267 20665 29.80%  
TOTAL ASSETS 89931 69267 20665 29.80% Cash will decrease with expenses of conference, anticipating at least $17000 expenses but only $10,000. (or less) of incoming registrations
Opening Bal Equity 5904 5904 0 0.00%  
Retained Earnings 63362 30242 33120 109.50% To change when we close the books on our 9 month year
Net Income 20665 33120 -12455 -37.60% To decrease with conference expenses
Total Equity 89931 69267 20665 29.80%  
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 89931 69267 20665 29.80%  


Budget worksheet for Fiscal year ending 3/31/05

Please note, there is no simple way of handling the fact that this year's fiscal year has only 9 months
Jul '04 - April 7, 05 Jul '03 - Jun 04 (12 months) Extrapolated 9 months to 12 Current Fiscal year ends 3-31-05
Donations Received
AFSC New England Regional Cncl 0 15000 Dick needs to clerify if these are the funds set aside for Boston 2006 Conference and if these are truly Draz funds
Draz Family 7000 6500 Donations to be used first for specific needs (released inmate facilitators)
Scholarships for conference 275 0 Donations specified for conference scholarship assistance
Quaker Meetings 1779 0 Meetings weren't tracked separately when I resurrected old previous fiscal year
All other Donations  731 12319
Total Donations Received 9785 33819 13047 Previous year had major fund-raiser and there was the extraordinary AFSC gift
Administration Fee (annual) 25 0 33 new program
Conference Registration Fees
2003 Conference 0 158 left-over from previous years
2004 Conference 0 9102
2005 Conference 11525 0
Total Conference Registration Fees 11525 9260 15367 Anticipated registration fees of $25,000 per budget (ignored extrapolation, we have no clue about requested scholarships, yet)
Sales of Manuals, etc. 12341 17665 16454 Sales are down, probably in anticipation of new Advanced Manual
Transformer Subscription Fees
Transformer Support 125 878
Transformer Subscription Fees - Other 1125 1883
Total Transformer Subscription Fees 1250 2761 1667 Of concern, we're not get subscribers to pay
Dividend Income 2768 1748 3690
Interest Income 0 4 0
Total Income 37694 65256 50259 NOTE:  Income is down but recall the extraordinary AFSC gift
Total 2003 Conference 0 234 carry-over
2004 Conference
Financial Assistance 0 200
Miscellaneous 140 1226
Room 0 12335
Travel 502 409
Total 2004 Conference 642 14170 note: we spent $14,800 and brought in $9100. in 2004 for the conference
2005 Conference
General Conference Exp. 179 5444
Total 2005 Conference 179 5444 Budget 23000 We anticipate a mid-range cost of $23,000. per budget (not extrapolated)
Bank Charge 18 55 23
Cardservice Charge 947 840 1263
Charitable Donations
International AVP (support) 0 500
Total Charitable Donations 0 500 0
Committee Expenses
Communications Committee 120 0 Communication conference calls
Total Committee Expenses 120 0 160 This figure is low . there are unreported in-kind donations happening
Cost of Manuals, etc.
Cost of Sales - Inventory Purch 309 1304
Cost of Sales - Royalties 154 296
Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 571 785
Cost of Sales - Printing 4817 1331
Cost of Sales - Postage 741 1282
Total Cost of Manuals, etc. 6591 4997 8788 This probably isn't of concern, Alan had to catch up on some of the inventory items
Office Equipment 2371 0 This reflects the computer cost
Miscellaneous 0 28
Office Supplies 21 38 28
Postage & Shipping 66 1263 89 Figure will likely increase as CLERG reports postage and other expenses related to annual reports
Telephone Expense 592 1256 789 FNVW has not requested funds recently
Transformer Publication Costs
Transformer - Supplies 428 0
Transformer - Postage costs 682 105
Transformer - Printing costs 4272 3206
Total Transformer Publication Costs 5381 3311 7175 Income $1200, Expenses $5400.
Travel Assistance
AVP/USA Regional 100 0
Total Travel Assistance 100 0 133
Total Expense 17029 32136 22706 Note:  The majority of the expenses for the conference are not included, yet, and are likely to show up on next fiscal year.
Net Income 20665 33120 27553 Anticipated expenses for the conference will change this figure.

Attendees – AVP USA 2005 Annual Meeting –




Addy FL


Ali-El CA


Angell PA


Ator NM


Babin CA


Baker CA


Baker CA


Barns CA


Beaudette NH


Birdlebough CA


Booth ME


Braye NC


Childs CA


Claggett-Borne MA -


Clark CA


Cohen CA


Couch CA


Couch CA


DiGarbo PA


Erlanger MA


Farley CA


Farley CA


Favor CA


Feucht NY


Flanders NY


Forget AB


Gord CA


Guy CA


Hamilton CA


Hamm CA


Hardy CA


Haritatos CA


Harvest WA


Hefte FL


Hefte FL


Helding CA


Helfrich MN


Hinds MN


Howard CA


Ishikawa CO


Jenkins CA


Johnson CA


Joos CA


Kayser MN


Kesselheim WY


Kesselheim WY


Klostermann NE


Krouskop WA


Krouskop WA


Lamontagne MA


Lewis OR


Lewis OR


Lindburg CA


Lipchitz IA


Lynn NM


Matchett CA


McAfee CA


McBride NY


Meares NY


Michaelis WA


Michaelis WA


Miller NM


Miranda NY


Mobley OR


Moontaro CA


Moulton CA


Murphy NY


Murphy-Sharp NV


Murphy-Sharp NV


Nell IN


Nethercut MA


Oldham MO


Parker-Roach MA


Patten MA


Pennell NE


Perry MN


Porter CA


Pulcrano CA


Ramos CA


Reyes NY


Riley CA


Riley NJ


Rios NY


Rivera CT


Roebig NY


Rosa CA


Rumbaugh CA


Sanchez WY


Schlitt NE


Schwerin CA


Sequoya W.


Shippen MA


Shuford DE


Solyntjes MN


Sorro CA


Stapleton AZ


Taplow VT


Thomas CA


Waco CA


Waite CA


Wallace-DiGarbo PA


Ward PA


Winter CA


Wixom MO


Youngmeister CA




AVP Tampa Bay sponsored workshops at FCC Coleman

AVP-Coleman---Women’s Basic, Sept. 19,20 & 22, 2003

12 parts.

AVP-Coleman---Basic Spanish, Oct. 17, 18 & 19, 2003, 3 inside facs. plus

Helen and Chris, 16 participants

AVP-Coleman Medium Basic, Oct. 17-19, 2003, 3 inside facs, Dr. D. outside, 10 parts.

AVP-Coleman---Women’s Basic, Nov. 14, 15 & 16, 2003, 2 inside facs,

12 participants

AVP-Coleman Medium Basic Workshop Dec. 12, 13 & 14, 2003---16 parts. 4 inside facs and Dr. D. outside fac.

AVP-Women’s Camp Advanced---Dec. 12, 13 & 14, 2003---12 parts? 2 inside facs. and Susan as outside.

AVP- Coleman Medium Advanced Spanish, Dec. 12-14, 2003, 16 parts, 3 inside facs. and Cece as outside fac.

AVP-Women’s Camp T for F---Jan 16, 17 & 18, 20004---8 parts? 2 inside facs & 1 outside fac.

AVP-Women’s Camp Basic Spanish---Feb 20, 21 & 22, 2004---12 parts, 2 inside facs and 2 outside facs (Cece and Susan)

AVP-Coleman Medium Basic Workshop Feb 20, 21 & 22, 2004---7 participants and 3 inside facs. Darrell and Christina outside facs.

AVP-Coleman-Basic II---March 19-21, 2004---8 parts and 3 inside facs & Dr. D. as outside fac.

AVP-Coleman Women’s Advanced---April 16-18---12 participants; 2 inside facs---Susan & Darrell outside lead fac.

AVP-Coleman Medium Advanced Workshop April 23, 24, 25, 2004---12 participants, 3 inside facs. Dr. D. outside fac.

AVP-Coleman Women’s T for F---May 14-16, 2004---12 part. 2 inside facs.---Susan and Helen outside facs.

AVP-Coleman Medium T for F Workshop May 14-16, 2004

13 facs. 3 inside facs---Dr. D. olutside lead fac.

So there was a total of 3 women basic, 3 women advanced and 2 women T for F workshops. During the same time there were 5 men basic, 3 men advanced and one T for F. All total 60 men have participated while 8 have facilitated while there has been 36 women participants and 8 facilitators. Twenty women have completed the three workshop series. Six have left the prison fully trained. Presently there is a cadre of 20 men facilitators.

In May Adventurous Ann was our first outside participant completing her T for F workshop.ssss


AVP Sponsored Community Workshops

2 Saturday workshop July 26 & Aug 2, 2003 Basic Workshop at First United Church of Tampa. Four facs & 16 paticipants.

2 Saturday Advanced Workshop, Nov. 1 & 8, 2003. Two facs. & 5 parts.

2 Saturday Basic, March 6 & 13, 2004 at St. Pete Meeting Annex, Three facs, & 4 participants.

Total of three workshops, envolving 7 facs. & 25 parts.


Dedicated Darrell (aka Dr. D.) consulted in and facilitated 12 HIPP styled Basic Workshops in public school system, involving 3rd, 5th, middles school and highschool grades. The workshops involved 188 students and 22 staff members participating. Elihu Brayboy, a trained AVP/HIPP facilitator, co-facilitated in most of the workshops.

Regional Report Central Midwest Region: Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri

AVP/USA National Conference - May 2005 Marge Schlitt, Marian Klostermann

The following tabulates the workshops held during 2004:


The three sites in Iowa prisons are:

Fort Dodge Correctional Facility Iowa Correctional Center for Women Anamosa Reformatory

13 Basic Workshops

Participants-156 inmates, 12 from the community 4 Advanced Workshops

Participants 54 inmates, 11 from the community 2 Training for Facilitators Workshops

Participants - 17 inmates, 1 from the community

1 Mini (one-day) Workshop with Junior High

Participants 20 Inside Facilitators - 11 Outside Facilitators - 6


The site: USP Leavenworth

2 Concurrent Basic Workshops

Participants - 43

1 Mini AVP - style workshop conducted in Traditional Navajo Peacemaking Participants-41

Submitted by John Wilmerding


Two Sites: Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) Omaha Correctional Center (OCC)


6 Basic Workshops

Participants- 87 4 Advanced Workshops

Participants - 52 1 Training for Facilitators Workshop

Participants - 8 Inside Facilitators -10 Outside Facilitators -3~ plus traveling facilitators


6 Basic Workshops

Participants - 86 6 Advanced Workshops

Participants-79 1 Training for Facilitators

Participants - 8 inmates, 1 from the community
Inside Facilitators - 12 Outside Facilitators - 4 —plus traveling facilitators



Columbia, Missouri: Prison sites: Boonville Correctional Center with 3 sites Missouri Sate Prison - (also called Jefferson City Correctional Center) Community Sites: Unity Center Mini Workshops: Blind Boone Center The Intersection University of Missouri 20 Basic Workshops


4 Advanced Workshops

Participants - 60

1 Training for Facilitators Workshop


2 Adult Community Workshops

Participants- 14

3 Special Groups

Participants 350

5 Mini Workshops

Participants— 274

Inmate Facilitators - 15 Outside Facilitators - 11

Submitted by Scott Searles

St. Louis, Missouri: Site-Pacific M.E.C.C.

12 Basic Workshops

Participants- 196 3 Advanced Workshops Participants - 45 0 Training for Facilitators

Inside Facilitators - 2 Outside Facilitators - 2

Submitted by Liz Oldham

What's new and exciting in the Central Midwest Region?

Marge Schlitt and Marian Klostermann of Nebraska are both glad to continue the good relationship with their prison administrators, glad that the waiting list for workshops is continually filled by word-of-mouth in the prison, and glad for the excellent facilitating teams.

In Iowa, it's exciting that another prison has initiated AVP to its inmates in November. There is much support from the Iowa Department of Corrections. We're excited that AVP received the Volunteer Award from the Governor of Iowa after only 6 months of having AVP in the state. We in Nebraska and Iowa are grateful for each state to have received a $ 1,000 grant from the American Friends Service Committee.

Scott Searles in Kansas is seeing more interest in the Community Workshops and is getting larger groups there. The Columbia group received another grant from the City of Columbia to help fund the workshops. This is appreciated because it enables them to use the city logo on their flyers as a seal of approval.

Liz Oldham in St. Louis, Missouri stated that the men are really taking it (AVP) in and using it-that's exciting.


What is particularly challenging for us?

Common challenges to all seem to be the need for more facilitators and money to run the programs. In Iowa, we have a need to have at least a yearly meeting with facilitators but distance and busy schedules make it extremely difficult. Also, there is much traveling for the facilitators to the prisons. The grant from the American Friends Service Committee was a great help. Now we need to find other financial support.

Marge Schlitt related that one inmate in Protective Custody (who observed part of a workshop, was not a participant) objected to the way workshops were facilitated and has forced the administration to curtail our ability to take experienced facilitators from the general population to P.C. We are also in need of additional outside facilitators, and we are working on bringing in outside participants who eventually get trained to be facilitators.

Scott Searles reported that the administration in Boonville CC is considering AVP workshops for prisoners who are scheduled to be released soon. Since the Dept. Of Corrections plans to discontinue the drug addiction programs and the education programs for prisoners, and there is also talk of them asking us to fill the void with our volunteer programs. We are concerned that we do not have enough facilitators to fill the new needs.

Scott also said that it is particularly challenging to recruit participants for the Community Workshops and getting them to come, even when the weather happens to be good. And more facilitators are needed.

Liz Oldham commented that the men get quickly transferred so it is hard to keep trained inmate

facilitators. Since there are only two outside facilitators," we never have time for a Training for Facilitators Workshop-we just throw them in at the deep end and they usually do very well."

How can AVP/USA help our region?

Keep the Facilitators' Discussion Network interesting and useful. The National Meeting is very invigorating and keep advertising it on the web site and the TRANSFORMER so that we can recruit more of our facilitators to attend.. We want to learn new exercises, new ways to lead old exercises and other improvements for our workshops. Of course, we can use financial support.

Midwest Region report (compiled March and April, 2005)

Submitted, Joann Perry April 21, 2005

AVP – South Dakota

Springfield appears to have the only active AVP group with other AVP facilitators clustered around Virginia and Sioux Falls. SD requires 8 hours of volunteer training annually and is most probably going to increase it to 40 hours a year. AVP may not be supportable if that becomes the new policy. Springfield is holding 5 workshops (all Basics) per year but is enthusiastic about new outside facilitator and a few inside facilitator transfers from Sioux Falls to Springfield. Requests for AVPUSA include doing our own data entry and assistance with press releases (handled). They are hoping to add another 5 workshops per year with their new outside facilitator. Currently have 3 active outside facilitators and 5 active inside ones.

AVP – North Dakota

Bismarck has the only AVP program, with four workshops per year. The facilitator base includes four active outside facilitators and an unknown number of inside ones. They do both Advanced and Basics but allow on the job training for the T4F. Community involvement and commitment continue to be a problem, they’d like help with Youth programs (gave them website data and HIPP information), they’d like transportation funds assistance to get cross-training, they love the Transformer. They’ve got a program every two weeks, called ‘extended AVP’ on issues of non-violence that they’re excited about.

AVP – Wisconsin

There is no active program in Wisconsin, both of the two facilitators do workshops in Minnesota. Nothing is planned for right now but that may change.

AVP – Illinois

There is no active program in Illinois, only facilitator is checking with Friends’ community to see if there’s any new interest again. She would like AVPUSA to contact churches and other groups in Illinois to see if there is any interest in prison ministry, such as AVP. If anything gets generated, she’ll require transportation funds for assistance.

AVP – Ohio

I have not been able to find a single program in Ohio for AVP still functioning, I’ve contacted Yellow springs, Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus and others and while some people got back, the news was not good. The former inmates I spoke with were very interested in getting an AVP group started but there doesn’t seem to be the energy for it right now. I wasn’t able to reach Teresa Tyson (the AVP Midwest rep for years) but people seemed confident that once she was back in the country, things would pick up.

AVP – Kentucky

There is no active program in Kentucky. Two facilitators want to get it started but are waiting for perhaps another year (retirement and other issues, like the war) and will then need facilitators and help with transportation. They requested we continue to stay in touch and that I field questions and requests to a specific person in KY.

AVP – Indiana

There is no active prison program in Indiana, although there has been a full set of community workshops over the past two years. Stan Zarowin has brought new energy and is working hard to get a program started in Richmond. Stan would like Indiana and Chicago inquiries fielded to him.

AVP – Illinois

Illinois has no program as far as I can determine and I haven’t been able to connect with anyone by phone or letter.

AVP - Minnesota

Minnesota has five prisons active, if the men and women’s workhouses are considered separate facilities. There are approximately 100 inside and 100 outside facilitators but there have been problems getting outside facilitators active this past year. There are approximately 42 workshops on the inside per year, involving a minimum of 12 participants and 3 -5 inside facilitators. Most community workshops have been cancelled this past year (3 have happened) due to lack of participants. MN is adding another support group at one of the institutions, bringing the number to four (3 prison and one community) which happen every week to every month, depending on where. There is a determined effort (video, television, newspaper advertising, etc.) to bring more of the community into the AVP fold but is not really yield fruit. Data collection has been completed for the effectiveness study. We’re actively involved with the Restorative Justice committee at one prison doing RJ projects and a weekly circle as well as one day workshops on RJ. AVPUSA can help by doing national advertising, funding for participation (instead of charging), get foundations to sponsor scholarships, Oprah, give us ideas on how to grow our facilitator base.

AVP – Maine

Maine AVP appears healthy and growing. We did 20 workshops in 2004 with 214 individual inmates. We trained 21 women at Windham correctional and 4 at Cumberland County Jail to be facilitators and most of them have hqad an opportunity to apprentice as co-facilitators and they are actively doing workshops. This brings our facilitator numbers to 13. We are all doing a lot as you can see.

One delight is that we have five men in training who are moving along with a new program at Windham for men. We seem to have put Bolduc Pre-Release center on a back burner in favor of a men’s program at Windham. Bolduc can only schedule us mid week and we compete with their active work program for participants and have a distance / scheduling problem for our facilitators.

Financially we have a strong yearly funder who provides $2000 toward our program; we got a two year grant from the Maine Women’s fund to support the Windham Women; and Obadiah Brown Benevolent und has give us a matching grant. Organizationally, we meet quarterly on a weekday evening for planning and business and that has increased attendance and allowed us to mesh schedules for workshops. Our growth has been from people who are committed to non violence and are seeking expressions of that to exercise in the world. We are aware of other groups in Maine such as Peace Action, Maine who are partners in this concern.

Tracy Booth

AVP – Rhode Island

Rhode Island is AVP inactive.

AVP - Connecticut

Connecticut may be reported at the April 16 Barddleboro meeting.

AVP – Massachusetts

AVP is occurring at 4 facilities:

SBCC Correction Center: Shirley MA, maximum, 4 workshops in 2004, none in 2005 yet, due to illness and overextention.

MCI Shirley Medium: Shirley MA, 12 workshops per year

MCI Concord: Concord, MA, 6 workshops in 2004

NCC Concord Farm: 2 workshops in 2004, 1 in 2005 so far,

AVP is maintaining but not thriving.

AVP – New Hampshire

Report on Goffstown, NH Women’s prison AVP – April 2005

After canceling two workshops in 2004 due to lack of facilitators, I decided to cut back from 6 workshops a year to 4. The first one was held in Feb and graduated 9. The next one was supposed to be the end of April and is an Advanced, the first to be held in a while. I will have to schedule that one in June when a facilitator is available.

In late 2004, I experimented with having the workshop all day Sat, Sun and half the day Monday, rather than the Friday to Monday schedule that has always been in place. The results were all positive and none negative so workshops at Goffstown will be Sat though Monday. Saturday is a much easier day to find space, peace and quiet and get people’s attention without the numerous activities scheduled for Fri.

I have one inmate facilitator. I would like to find someone else to take over the administration of the program and just facilitate. Any other offers will be considered.

Judy Brophy

Lakes Regions Facility at Laconia for the year 2004

January 30 – February 1, 2004

Men’s Basic workshop, Facilitators – John Rogers and Charlotte Fardelmann with insider Mark French. Seven inmates completed and one outsider Lynn Durham.

Women’s Basic workhop, Facilitators – Mary Alice Warner, lead and Nancy River. Seven women completed.

April 30 – May 2, 2004

Men’s Basic workshop Facilitators – Randy Kezar and Mary Alice Warner, with insiders Joe Emerson and Mark French. Seven men completed.

Women’s Basic and Advanced (Some women had done Basic and wanted Advanced, yet we couldn’t be sure we had enough for two groups, so they did some different exercises and the facilitators felt they could credit them with a second level workshop). Facilitators – Hazel Zimmer and Anthe D. Atthas. Seven women completed Basic, and six women completed Advanced.

I am experimenting with weekly sessions at Lakes Region, which has now a relatively short-term program for pre-release men. I have held 4 2-hour sessions, and plan one more next week before some of the men will move to another unit. I plan on scheduling 6 weekly sessions next time. Attendance has bee consistent.

Mary Alice Warner

New York Area Report for 2004-2005 to AVP USA:

On April 30th 2005 AVP NY celebrated 30 years of AVP in NY prisons at Eastern Correctional Facility in Napanoch, NY. About 30 outside volunteers were hosted by 15 inside facilitators. Dick Nethercut, President of AVP USA was among those who attended and witnessed a facility where the Superintendent, Deputy of Programs, Director of the Catskill hub of Volunteer Services and the staff advisor to AVP all celebrated with us in our circle with AVP inside and outside facilitators. The men inside had even prepared a special meal, which was so much like home cooking that we couldn't believe we were in prison. It was a special day of community building, sharing and affirming each other. We had a special memorial reading of Luther Sanders poems and distribution of his book to everyone there. Many of you may have also celebrated the occasion with us.

2004 was an interesting year for AVP NY. Fortunately the number of prisoners across New York State continues to decline, as more and more prisoners are released on parole and fewer and fewer men and women are convicted and sent to prison. As the prisoner population declines, the number of security guards and program personnel of DOCS (Department of Correction Services) is reduced accordingly. Across most of the prisons where we are active we perceive new pressures to reduce workshop hours for volunteer programs, including AVP. While we can find no reference to any official initiative or change in the goals of DOCS that might inform formal complaints, our area councils and the Statewide Board Council who are directly responsible for the oversight of AVP workshops are keenly aware of new hurdles imposed by DOCS.

For the calendar year we recorded 187 workshops and awarded 2,672 certificates of completion

to participants in 2004. Providing these basic, advanced and training for facilitators workshops

required approximately 10,288 hours by outside (civilian) facilitators and approximately 14,883

hours by our inside (prisoner) teammates.

Here is my summary of the past couple of years:

'02= 218 total workshops (16 community; 5 school and 197 prison);

'03 = 154 total workshops (15 community; 15 school and 124 prison (biggest decrease in prison


'04= 187 total workshops (24 community; 12 school and 151 prison workshops.

Though 2003 saw a large decrease in prison workshops, last year we gained back some ground,

increasing the prison workshops by over 20%. We also increased community workshops and

trained over 20% more apprentice facilitators. We are hoping that with our "trust in the AVP

process", we will regain our numbers up to the '02 level when DOCs was allotting more time for

our volunteer programs.

In March 2004, we received a generous bequest in an AVPer's will that, added to our endowment investments in a socially responsible mutual fund, brings the total endowment to $135,042. Income from the endowment investments increased our operating income this year by $1142. Even so our total income, net of this bequest, was down by $8582. Though we reduced expenses for 2004 by $5483, net of that one time bequest, there was an unfavorable impact of $3754 to our unrestricted operating balance. For the 2005 budget we reduced our expenses and reduced our income expectation, working toward a break even position.

Looking to 2005, our program goals include:

A. Establishing written guidelines for our prison volunteers for

dealing with relationships with prisoners that harm the AVP program;

dealing with infractions of the DOCS Rules for Volunteers;

reporting to local prison officials when there is an inappropriate action of a
prisoner that puts the AVP program at risk at that facility.

B. Renewing our efforts to work in person with DOCS executives in Albany to address
the mounting concerns and issues experienced at many facilities across the State that negatively
impact AVP.

C. Working through the many transition issues that face ex-prisoner AVPers upon
release and arrival home, primarily via Landing Strip, the twice-monthly support group that
meets at 15 Rutherford Place.

D. Establishing a program using our endowment funds to provide loans for just released
prisoner AVPers to help cover initial housing expenses when the only alternative is living in a

E. Reviewing possible revisions to our corporate bylaws that reflect and guide our
practices in place.


ANNUAL REPORT – ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah

May, 2005


Between Jan.-Dec. 2004 New Foundations provided 23 full-length AVP workshops and 3 two-day seminars, also full length. Five of these were Community workshops, the rest were in the Correctional system. Altogether, 11 Basic, 6 Advanced, and 6 T4T workshops were offered. Fifteen inside trainers and 20 outside trainers facilitated these workshops.

In all, there were 406 participants . Of the 406, 230 were inmates and 42 were from the community. Colorado gained 36 new trainers (29 inside, 7 outside). Fifteen inside trainers and 20 outside trainers facilitated in 2004.

These took place at the Men’s Correctional Center in Golden; the Women’s

Correctional Center in Canyon City, Community Alternatives of El Paso County in Colorado Springs and Fort Lyon Correctional Facility.


In the year 2004, Wyoming provided 12 full length (18 hour) AVP workshops in the four Wyoming prisons. Of these 5 were Basics, 4 were Advanced, and two were Training for Trainers. There was one shortened Community workshop

Total number of participants were 146 not counting inside and outside

facilitators. Usually two inside and two outside facilitators teamed up to run

each workshop. Although we gained 6 new inside facilitators, most of them

were released before they could facilitate more than once or twice. Currently

Wyoming has 9 outside facilitators.

In 2004, Wyoming had 1/3 the number of AVP workshops held in 2003. Three of the prisons - the Women’s Center at Lusk, the Honor Farm in Riverton, and The Conservation Camp in Newcastle - are going through massive building projects which affect available space and stress limited staff. The Honor Farm closed down for 8 months due to a murder; Newcastle lost the staff person who had been the AVP contact and took months to hire and train his replacement. The new Penitentiary in Rawlins has become a maximum security prison with little appropriate space and changing staff. In this prison where AVP started in1992 with 2 workshops month, Deb Sanchez was only able to run one workshop in 2004.


Beverly Morse at Two Eagle River High School says: "We are working in the community now with AVP/HIPP style workshops that highlight peer mediation and are semi student led….it is really wonderful."


New Mexico

Audrey Miller ran her first Basic workshop in Santa Fe after doing a year of

out-reach to the community, introducing them to AVP. Twenty people

attended the first Basic workshop. An Advanced and T4T will follow.

She hopes to get AVP going in Los Cruces where there’s interest.

Way to go, Audrey!

Utah and Idaho

No active AVP.

Submitted by: Chelsea Kesselheim


YEAR 2004




AVP-LA has re-grouped this year.  We've experienced bureaucratic difficulties in our work inside the Youth Authority in Chino which prevented us from doing workshops for around a year.  We are scheduled to begin again in June, and hope that we have enough volunteers to sustain an ongoing program there.  

Our desires to have a vibrant program are hampered by the limited time and energy needed for an all-volunteer program.  Because of that, our chapter is "seeing where the energy leads us."

In 2004, we did a community basic, advanced and 1 T for F.  We did 2 basics inside the Youth Authority in Chino and 1 advanced.


AVP San Diego can report four workshops in Tijuana and Tecate, Mexico during the past year. There were Mexican facilitators trained, but I don't have those numbers. No workshops reported in San Diego, however, a new cooperation with HOP/AVP looks promising.

HOP/AVP Plans for 2005-2006 Workshops (Staff & Facility Residents)

·        Donovan Prison HOP/AVP Workshops (Basic & Advanced & Training for Inmate Facilitators) For 05-06

·        St Clares (Home for battered & recovering women - Escondido, CA ) Fall 05.

·        FRC (Family Recovery Center)- Oceanside CA) FRC provides career & vocational education, counseling, room & board, child care & Conflict Resolution Training) For Fall & Spring 05(Staff & Clients)

·        Serenity House (Recovery Center) For Spring 06

·        T - 4 – F (For Interested AVP/SD & HOP/AVP Facilitators Led by Hal Brody )

·        Community Basic Workshop (For orientation of new volunteers – (La Jolla, CA For Fall 05 or Spring 06 )

·        AmeriCorps – HOP/ AmeriCorps Workshops were previously conducted in Sacramento. We are in the discussion stage for a national conflict resolution program. Program is dependant upon the availability of trained facilitators.

Past HOP Workshops

In the past 3 years, HOP has Conducted 6 to 10 workshops (per year) at Donovan Prison & 3 to 4 Community workshops (per year) at the Family Recovery Center, AmeriCorps, T For Ts & Basic Workshops (for newly recruited volunteers).


The Central Coast area is now functioning with two councils: San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara-Ventura. However there is overlap of facilitators in both groups.

San Luis Obispo group, under the care of the San Luis Obispo Preparative Friends Meeting, is taking on new challenges: changing from founding mother doing everything to everyone in the group spreading around her tasks, a half-day follow-up workshop for former workshop participants, and a county wide promotional presentation with the help of the meeting.

Still active monthly in the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo, they have trained 143 inmates in AVP from May 2004 to April 2005 involving 1563 volunteer hours given by nine facilitators including two who came for a time from 6 hours north, three from at least two hours south.

Santa Barbara/Ventura council. under the care of the Santa Barbara Friends Meeting, held four community workshops in the past year with help from facilitators from all over California, resulting in a new council of 8 facilitators, who are offering additional workshops to increase their numbers before their next step. They exhibited at Earthday with other peace groups.

We are excited to have at least one former inmate at the conference.


This group is just beginning to form. There are two facilitators and we have yet to set up our first workshop. Several community meetings are planned to kick us off.




No report was received.


No report was received, however, there is a prison program active. They are interested in re-starting a community program and are sending someone to the conference to get some start-up help.


No current AVP programs.


Only two councils are active. In the past there have been workshops in the Nevada City, Sacramento, Clear Lake, San Francisco, East Bay and Santa Cruz areas and a few facilitators are still in these areas but have moved on to other things. Most of the Northern California activity centered around San Quentin and Folsom prisons. Both of these prisons put the AVP program "on hold" in 2001. This was fatal to most councils because we kept waiting for the program to start again rather than considering ourselves terminated and therefore moving on to other avenues. AVP North Bay filled in the gap by assisting the local Friends Outside with their monthly program at the jail (which is done in the traditional AVP manner) and in 2003 a new group formed on the Peninsula (south of San Francisco) and were accepted at the Federal prison for women.

Meanwhile Janet Riley has continued her work in the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo. Because she gets most of her facilitator support from the south, she will be included in the South West Regional Report this year. In fact California is working on reuniting as a state, perhaps as a Region of its own, so we can deal with the State Prison system as a whole.

Dotty Joos

P.O. Box 28

Occidental, CA 95465


[email protected]



AVP East Bay (Oakland/Berkeley areas) - inactive

Contact: Chia Hamilton

6511 Tremont St, Oakland, CA 94609, (510)655-2733h,

mailto:[email protected]"


AVP / NORTH BAY, Santa Rosa, CA area - Report for 2004

San Quentin and Folsom Prisons still being closed to AVP, the North Bay group decided to circle the wagons and create a support group. We used the Circle (as introduced by Kay Pranis, last year's keynote AVP/USA speaker) in the context of a weekend retreat, continued meeting monthly, and, in the course of the last 12 months, supported a facilitator who lost her husband in a sudden accident, others dealing with painful issues of aging, parenting, and personal stress, and another facing a prison sentence and coming to honesty about the issues that created that situation. All of us learned to walk our talk in a new and life-giving way.

As for workshops, we sponsored a community Advanced accomodating members of the local Peace and Justice Center as well as enhancing the work being done by council members with each other. To this end we invited facilitators from out of our area, Mark Forget and Pat Hardy.

AVP facilitators have been assisting Friends Outside leading monthly Basic workshops in the local jail... seven for men and four for women in 2004, done in the AVP manner. (Inmates are not there long enough to assemble an Advanced workshop so "inmate facilitators" are not a possibility... one of the reasons AVP doesn't go into the jails.)

The Spanish workshops have not continued for want of leaders with enough free time to do the organizing.

2005 tidbit: This spring we were approached by inmates at CMF (California Medical Facility [prison]) in Vacaville. The inmates produced an enthusiastic sponsor for us and we are assembling material for a presentation to the administration.


Submitted by the North Bay Council members, 5/19/05:

Alice Waco, 918 Benton St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707)545-1798, [email protected]

Barbara Moulton, P.O. Box 90, Kenwood, CA 95452 , (707)833-5308 , [email protected]

Dotty Joos, P.O. Box 28, Occidental, CA 95465, (707)874-2638, [email protected]

Fred Winter, P.O. Box 276 , Valley Ford, CA 94972, (707) 876-9408 , [email protected]

Lizette Guy, 9328 Champs Elysées, Forestville, CA 95436 , (707)887-9774, [email protected]

Myfanwy Plank, 684 Benicia Dr, Apt 6, Santa Rosa, CA 95409, (707) 576-6661, [email protected]

Pamelasue Porter, 702 Silva Av, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707)575-8926, [email protected]

Toby Laverty, c/o AVP/NB, P.O. Box 28, Occidental, CA 95465, (707)874-2638,

mailto:[email protected]



AVP of the Peninsula (San Francisco-San Jose) - Annual Report June 1, 2004-May 31, 2005

We have conducted two Basics and one Advanced workshop in the Federal Correctional Institution at Dublin, a women's facility. We operate under the care of the chaplain's office. Since November, 2004, we have also conducted monthly process groups for 2-3 hours each which attract both new participants and those who have taken a complete workshop. We have had 45-50 total participants in the Basic workshops and there were 9 in the Advanced. Participation in the process groups ranges from 4-20.

Our next workshop, in June, will be another Basic. We are always hoping to schedule more prison workshops, but are working within the constraints of the chaplain's and the institution's schedules.

In past year we have held one Basic community workshop, in November of 2004, and were delighted to have Nancy Nothhelfer as a guest lead facilitator. There were 9 participants in that workshop. We are attending various community events in the hopes of interesting more community groups in the benefits of AVP for the community as a whole.

For organizational reasons our local council is a subcommittee of Palo Alto Friends Meeting's Peace and Social Action Committee. We receive financial support from that Meeting as well as San Francisco and San Jose Friends Meetings. Our council is, of course, open both to Quakers and non-Quakers.

Our active facilitators are:

Barbara Babin (Clerk, Prison Coordinator)

1031 Vera Ave., Redwood City, CA 94061, 650/369-1398, [email protected]

Sandy Farley (Secretary)

1301 Himmel Ave., Redwood City, CA 94061-3507, 650/366-1818, [email protected]

Tom Farley

1301 Himmel Ave., Redwood City, CA 94061-3507, 650/366-1818, [email protected]

Ruth Fraser

48 Rausch St., San Francisco, CA 94103, 415/626-3757, [email protected]

Liz Hamm

598 Columbia Ave., #226, San Jose, CA 95126-3610, 408/288-7665, [email protected]

John Helding

332 Carl St., San Francisco, CA 94117, 415/665-4916, [email protected]

Stephen Matchett

824 Fell St., San Francisco, CA 94117, 415/621-0558, [email protected]

Chris Moore-Backman

520 Hilton St. #4, Redwood City, CA 94063, 650/474 2027, [email protected]


AVP, Seattle, WA

2004 – 2005 Annual ReportMay 2005

Submitted by:Dorothea Jewell

[email protected], 206-760-7818

Peace Between People

PO Box 20086, Seattle, WA 98102

(206) 517-4047 - [email protected]

In this year we conducted 16 workshops over these 12 months:

Monthly in Twin Rivers Correctional Center (TRCC) – a medium security prison that houses the State’s sex offender treatment program

8 in Washington State Reformatory (WSR) – a maximum security prison.

We rotate levels (Basic, Basic, Advanced, and so on) and conduct a Training for Trainers every 10 months or so at one or the other facility.

This month we conducted a Basic workshop in the Civil Commitment Center, for the first time. A post-incarceration facility for high level sex offenders deemed by DOC as "likely to re-offend", it is actually run by DSHS and is located near a state prison, McNeil Island.

We have not had any community workshops in the past year but have recently developed a task force to explore this possibility.

At this time, we have:

Approximately 21 active "outside" facilitators, 12 of whom facilitate at least twice per year, 5 with limited availability, and 4 "released" facilitators who are anxiously awaiting opportunities to facilitate in community workshops.

TRCC has approximately 15 active inmate facilitators and WSR has approximately 8.

We currently are not conducting community workshops.

New and Exciting:

Inmates in the Civil Commitment Center, who were facilitators in one of the 2 above prisons, requested to have AVP at CCC. We had not worked there before. Because it is not part of DOC, this provided an opportunity for one of our released facilitators to be part of a facilitation team. (At the current time, the administration of WSR and TRCC will not allow previous inmates to come in as facilitators until they have been out of the community corrections system for 5 years.)

We welcomed 2 new facilitators who have extensive experience in prison and community workshops in Australia and South Africa. They have brought new activities and ways of doing things that have enriched our facilitation.

We have created an action team to plan for community workshops. This will provide opportunities for released facilitators in the area to continue their involvement in AVP and also, hopefully, will result in a larger pool of facilitators.

We are short on outside facilitators and have not been able to respond to several calls from other prisons asking for AVP. It’s really time to look at growing. It has been hard to keep AVP alive at WSR due to difficulty in scheduling the workshops themselves and in scheduling outside busy facilitators. We have considered using just one outside facilitator per workshop, but we do not think this is a favorable option. While the notion of adding community workshops seems like a challenge for us, it does seem like a good way to increase awareness of and interest in AVP.

We would be interested in hearing from other programs how they have met the challenge of building their core of outside facilitators.



Submitted by:

Bill Murphy-Sharp

POB 9898Reno, NV 98507

(775) [email protected]

We have conducted three workshops one each of the Basic, Advanced, and T for F workshops. All were at the Nevada State Prison (NSP) in Carson City. Two of the three included two guest facilitators from outside the region (Audrey Miller from New Mexico and Bob Barnes from Nevada City, CA).

Having guest facilitators has been an excellent approach for our local team of active facilitators (inside and outside teams) to explore a broader range of exercises and presentation styles. Since the November 2004 Basic work shop we have also conducted an Advanced workshop in March 2005 and have established a one year calendar of workshops that proposes six workshops and dates through November 2005. Some of these workshops have guest facilitators who have committed to be on our team.

In April 2005 one Nevada facilitator, Harbert Rice, attended a work shop held in the Seattle area with 36 participants representing three different types of programs, NVC (Nonviolent Communication), AVP, and Insight Meditation. He returned with much enthusiasm for implementing an NVC program in Nevada with support of our AVP group.

Greatest challenges of our group in Nevada have been maintaining effective communication between the inside and outside team with the NSP staff as intermediaries. The NSP Supervising Chaplain, Jane Foraker-Thompson, had carried much of this role during the initial few years of our work on this yard and last year we gained permission from the Warden for our outside coordinator (Donna Murphy-Sharp) to communicate directly with NSP Staff.

AVP Nevada continues to find hosting facilitators from outside our region area a very valuable and energizing approach to teamwork. Any efforts of AVP USA to directly support this kind of interaction would be helpful to our group.

Active facilitators:

Ruth Fraizer, (775) 747-3446, Reno, NV

Jane Foraker-Thompson, (775) 266-4231, [email protected], Gardnerville, NV

Donna Murphy-Sharp, (775) 345-1515, [email protected], Reno, NV

Harbert Rice, (775) 544-3066, [email protected], Sparks, NV

Rita Sloan, (775) 849-1653, [email protected], Reno, NV

Ellen Sorsenson, (775) 359-4029, [email protected], Sparks, NV


AVP/Oregon 2004 – 2005 Annual Report

May 2005

[Amended from Facilitators Council Meeting April 23, 2005]

Local Council Reports:

Portland: There were no AVP workshops held in Portland in the past year. We don¹t believe the Portland council is active at this time, and we don¹t know if there is any money in a Portland council account.

Eugene: Two basic workshops and a half-day ³mini-workshop² with Adrien Niyongabo were held in Eugene last year. The group decided to put its energy to supporting the Sheridan workshops until another community workshop seems feasible.

Sheridan: Two basic workshops, and one advanced workshop were held inside Sheridan FCI in 2004, and one basic was held in March 2005. There was no T for T held in Sheridan last year, and the need for inside facilitators is critical.

New Openings:

Oregon State Prison, Salem: Rose has made contact with Sonia Hoyt at OSP who is willing to help get AVP back in there. It was noted that there were several inside workshops in OSP Salem in the 1990¹s. The first of a series of three workshops is planned for June 3-5. There won¹t be any inside facilitators there until a T for T is held. Tom McCormick of the OSP Chaplains Office has also been supportive of this project.

Coffee Creek Womens Facility: There is interest in having AVP there. It was suggested that we plan workshops there as soon as we get established in the state prison system through our Salem workshops. There are 16 OSP sites in Oregon, so lots of opportunities for expansion.

Funding: There is discussion of whether AVP/Oregon can or should receive funding from the Federal or State Prison to hold workshops. In the past, Sheridan FCI paid AVP $200 per workshop, but no funds have been received for the last two years. The money is available to be used to reimburse outside facilitators for travel expenses and child care. Some present felt it should be okay to receive such funding, others felt it was not right. Submitted by: Ethen Perkins, [email protected]


Revised: 02/26/2014            © 2014 AVP/USA, Inc.